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"Hope Defined" Tissue Paper Collage

Last school year, I created a tissue paper collage lesson inspired by Eric Carle’s “Very Hungry Caterpillar” for elementary students. After the success of the project, I wanted to develop the technique further and pursued creating this portrait.


“Hope Defined,” was inspired by Baraka, a young man in Tanzania impacted by the non-profit work of Convoy of Hope. Using the same style as Carle, this collage uses various pieces of tissue paper to create a vivid and personable portrait. The depth and vivid nature of the medium, as well as the complexities it provides, inspired me to turn it into a lesson plan for high school students.


Pastel Sunflowers

A fun and quick lesson inspired by the beautiful impasto Sunflowers of Vincent van Gogh.  Using a few simple supplies this lesson is an easy afternoon art project for kids of all ages. 

"Klee Castle" Art Project

Designed for 2nd-4th grade students, this pastel and watercolor project features the work of Paul Klee and his inspirational work "Castle and Sun."   

Multimedia Teaching Project

Designed for 2nd-4th grade students, this project features various multimedia projects to teach Pastel Sunflower Art.   Choose what learning style is best for you, simply download the lesson above or access the various media below. 

Instructional Video



Animated Intro

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